Purpose of the Journey Studies

The purpose of the Journey Studies is to find out how safe the study drug is, how well the body handles taking it (tolerability), and how well it works as an add-on therapy in study participants with schizophrenia who did not respond well enough to antipsychotic therapy. These studies will determine the effectiveness of the study drug, called valbenazine, on symptoms of schizophrenia.

Who May Qualify

Eligible participants must:

  • Be male or female aged ≥ 18 years
  • Be diagnosed with schizophrenia for at least 1 year prior to the start of the research studies
  • Have a history of not responding well to antipsychotic treatment
  • Be receiving background antipsychotic therapy (not clozapine)

There are additional eligibility requirements, which the study doctor can explain to you.

Study Participation

The total length of participation in the Journey Studies is up to 16 weeks, which includes 7 on-site study visits. This includes the following periods:


This period lasts up to 4 weeks. During this period, the study team performs tests to make sure one of the studies is a good match for the potential participant.

Treatment Period

This period lasts 10 weeks. During this period, participants will take their assigned study treatment of either the study drug or the placebo once daily.

Follow-Up Period

This period lasts 2 weeks. During this period, participants will no longer take any study treatment. After 14 days from their last dose of study treatment, participants will have a final on-site study visit, where the study team will ask questions and check the participant’s health.